A being is entirely shaped by the universe of which he is a part.
Yoga & Massages
Offer well-being as a gift with a voucher
Offer a 1h massage at 70€ (95€/1h30)*
The voucher are valid for 6 months. Beyond the date, the voucher can be used for an additional 20 €.
* Ayurvedic Yoga Massage : 85€/1h – 105€/1h15 – 120€/1h30
Yoga, Pilates & Massages
Be it yoga or massage, treat yourself to a moment of relaxation and well being.
Yoga / Pilates Classes

Because each person is different and each day is different, the yoga (hatha & flow) and pilates classes are adapted to all levels. They vary each time, depending on the energy of the group, the seasons, life…
Workshops are organised regularly to discuss and deepen certain practices.
For more specific needs or if you don’t feel comfortable in a group, I also offer private classes.

Because each person is different and each day is different, all the massages we offer take into account the whole person and their different dimensions: physical, mental, emotional and energetic.
Before each session, we take a moment to discuss in order to best meet your needs.
Deep Tissue, Ayurvedic yoga Massage, Chi, Nei Tsang, Sports Massage…

Offer well-being as a gift with a voucher
Offer a 1h massage at 70€ (85€/1h15 – 95€/1h30)*
The voucher are valid for 4 months. Beyond the date, the voucher can be used for an additional 20 €.
* Ayurvedic Yoga Massage : 80€/1h – 95€/1h15 – 110€/1h30
The voucher has a validity date. Beyond the date, the voucher can be used for an additional 20 €.
Mille mercis Olivia, tes massages sont splendides, j'en sors détendue, le corps relaxé et l'esprit clair. C'est fantastique.
The massages of Olivia are incredible. She often goes back to India to always learn more about it and she's very passionated about the ayurvedique techniques. Offer yourself an hour or more of pure relaxation and you will understand why it's définitely worth the money. If we threat our body well, our mind follows and we will get more connected to ourselves, our bodies, minds and to the world that surrounds us as well...
Olivia ne se satisfait pas d'une répétition de cours qu'on devine avant de les commencer. Elle innove, agrémente son cours des nouveaux ingrédients qu'elle cueille dans ses apprentissages et nous enchante pas son sourire sincère. J'apprécie fortement sa capacité à prendre le feed-back et à s'adapter à son public, en plus des effets bénéfiques des séances.
What makes the 'Holi Yoga yoga sessions' so special? We always start by "shutting off" the hectic outside world, through conscious breathing combined with certain calm movements. Once the assumption of poses starts, you are already in "another state of mind". The entire session, which lasts always 1.5 hours (most yoga sessions are only an hour) is intensively guided in your individual learning process. Olivia's attention is very present and with some humor and spontaneity she accompanies us and reminds us never to forget the breath. There is also a "savasana" session, where you can quietly return to reality, where you can feel the effects of the session, and in this reclining position (with palms facing up) can meditate or just think of nothing . We traditionally complete with the joint "OM". I am very happy and grateful to have learned this yoga, I would hardly be able to live without it. It is true what they say, yoga is addictive!
I discovered Holi Yoga through climbing. At that time I was recovering from a broken ankle and physiotherapist sessions came to an end. When I met Olivia and her teaching style, not only I recovered the strength lost after my injury but I also discovered a deeper vision of the interconnectedness between mind and body. In the end, both a relaxing and powerful experience! I definitely recommend the classes.